Nuts are rightfully recognized as one of the most nutritious and healthy foods. One of the important advantages of these unique fruits is the beneficial effect of nuts on male potency. The chemical composition of nuts is rich in vitamins, macro and trace elements, essential and essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for the proper functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems.
Consuming a small handful of these miracle fruits daily can fill the body with calories, improve memory, normalize cardiovascular activity, slow down cellular aging, increase libido and improve erections. Due to their positive effects on male sexual activity, nuts are considered a natural aphrodisiac of plant origin.
Description of the chemical composition elements of nuts
The chemical composition of any kind of nut is represented by the following substances that directly affect male potency:
- potassium and magnesium. These interrelated micronutrients are essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as metabolic processes. They are responsible for activating the muscular work of the heart, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, stabilizing blood pressure, adequate blood supply and nerve conduction of cells.
- B vitaminsThese water-soluble substances play an important role in cell metabolism, help to remove cholesterol in blood vessels, dissolve plaque and blood clots, and regulate nerve conduction in cells and muscle fibers in blood vessel walls. Vitamin B1 provides for metabolic processes, B6 is actively involved in the processing and absorption of proteins and amino acids, and B9 is responsible for the health of the reproductive system and normal sperm synthesis.
- Vitamin EThe role of this fat-soluble substance in human life cannot be overestimated. Tocopherol is an alias for vitamins, and it speaks for itself, translating from ancient Greek, it means "fertile offspring". Active men especially need this powerful antioxidant as it effectively protects cells from free radicals, the number of which increases significantly during training. Vitamin E can also maintain the elasticity of the blood vessel wall and regulate the activity of the male gonads in order to produce enough testosterone and inhibit the female hormone estrogen.
- Vitamin C。 Ascorbic acid, by different names, is a powerful immune modulator and antioxidant. It directly affects testosterone production, enhancing libido and erection. This is due to the cells stimulating the release of nitric oxide, which is responsible for the normal relaxation of blood vessel walls. Ascorbic acid protects Leydig cells from damaging oxidation and helps restore structural damage to male sex hormone molecules.
- selenium and zinc. These interrelated and complementary trace elements regulate the activity of nearly all organs and systems. In men, they are responsible for prostate health, testosterone synthesis, and increased sperm count.
- phosphorus。 A Vital Trace Mineral That Stimulates Lecithin Production - Lecithin is the true fuel and building material of all living cells in the body, including the regulation of androgen production.

Potency in men is most beneficial with regular use of raw, roasted or dried nuts, various pastes, mixes, tinctures and nut dishes. Nuts are perfectly combined and digested with honey or sour cream. However, the product may be poorly compatible and difficult to digest with meat or fish dishes.
Although the products in question have unconditional benefits for the male reproductive system, different types of nuts work differently from each other.
It is the undisputed leader among other species. Men prefer walnuts for prevention and for a good male sex life. At the same time, not only the walnut kernels, but also the shells of the internal partitions have a positive effect. Green (unripe) fruit is considered especially useful. Daily consumption of walnuts can not only increase potency, but also improve the maturity and quality of sperm, so it is a proven drug for the prevention and treatment of male infertility.

Experts particularly emphasize that the content of trace elements such as iodine, magnesium, potassium and polyunsaturated fatty acids in walnuts is indispensable for the health of the reproductive system of men suffering from coronary heart disease and hypertensive heart disease, just like those suffering from various vascular lesions. same as people. This product effectively regulates thyroid function and indirectly affects testosterone production.
Popular recipes:Grind 10-15 nuts and 200-250g raisins, prunes, dried figs in a blender until smooth, put the nut paste in a glass container with a lid and keep in the fridge.Before bed, take 15-20 grams of the nutritional blend with the same amount of kefir or sour cream.
Walnuts are also a very useful source of cold-pressed oil, and regular use has a positive effect on potency. In addition, walnut oil affects the quality of neural reflex modulation, restores and improves microcirculation in the smallest blood vessels and tissues, and helps to eliminate toxins and radionuclides. It is often added to ready-made meat and fish dishes, as well as salads and snacks. In this case, the basic rule that also applies to honey should be observed - the product cannot be heat-treated.

Cashews and Brazil nuts lead the way in terms of selenium content, which makes them very effective for improving potency in men. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, cashews go well with salads made with fresh fruits and vegetables like beetroot and carrots.
- Peel the baby beets (400-500g), carrots (200-250g) and grate them with a coarse grater. Chop and add onion to taste.
- Add cashews (40-50g) and flavor the nut vegetable mixture with yogurt (150g) and honey (1 tsp).
The nutritional properties of this dish can be enhanced by adding ginger or a pinch of ground nutmeg, which will also increase the potency.

Hazelnuts are cultivars of hazelnuts. Although the fruits of wild varieties of hazelnuts are smaller, they contain a large amount of useful substances. So, if you do manage to come across a hazel bush in the forest, feel free to store up its precious fruit for the future.
Hazelnuts increase potency in men diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia, varicose veins, and diabetes. Due to its low carbohydrate content and high calorie content, this product is often included in weight loss diet plans. Hazelnuts in particular can be an important part of a high-protein diet, as only 10-12 fruits can meet a person's daily protein requirements.

A small handful of almonds contains your daily standard of protein and substances important for maintaining and enhancing potency, such as B vitamins, polyunsaturated omega acids, antioxidants, zinc, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. This product is characterized by its high content of L-Arginine - an extremely valuable amino acid for the human body. Daily consumption of almonds (10-12) can effectively promote blood flow in the groin area of men and relax blood vessels.
A recipe for a drink useful for potency: Almond (6) and cardamom seeds (1/2 tsp) in a blender, coffee grinder or mortar, then add milk (200 ml) and honey (1 tbsp). It is recommended to drink the resulting drink 15-20 minutes before meals.
pine nuts
Cedarwood Seeds are authentic, rich in healthy fats and deficient in amino acids (lysine, tryptophan, methionine) in their composition. Use 200 g of pine nuts to meet the body's daily requirement of vitamin K, which is necessary for protein synthesis, ensures normal blood clotting levels and good potency.
For added potency, men used pine nuts with honey as an addition to salads and made tinctures from them.
Recipe for tincture from unpeeled and peeled fruit:
- Rinse unpeeled pine nuts (120-140 g), place in a glass container and pour vodka (500 ml). Soak the mixture for 40 days in a cool place. Strain aged tincture through cheesecloth and add 1 tablespoon measure of honey or sugar. 20 drops 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks;
- Peeled pine nuts (40 g) also persist in vodka for 40 days, while the tincture must be shaken every 3 days. If the nut kernels are pre-pulled, the aging time of the tincture can be shortened to 1 week.

Only peanuts (peanuts) can have clinically significant amounts of resveratrol in their ingredients. This powerful natural antioxidant has the following beneficial properties:
- Protects blood vessels from deposits and normalizes lipid levels in the blood;
- Stimulate cell regeneration and inhibit the growth and reproduction of cancer cells;
- Help lower blood sugar levels;
- Prevents platelet aggregation and thrombus formation.
Peanut butter is a favorite peanut dish and it's easy to make with a blender.
Recipe: Grind peanuts (200-250 g) in a blender or coffee grinder, add powdered sugar (1 tbsp), vegetable oil (2 tbsp) and mix well until a paste forms. It is recommended to store peanut butter in the refrigerator.
attention! Peanuts are a food allergen because they contain high amounts of lectins (protein-derived plant toxins). If you have a lectin intolerance, you should swap out your peanuts for another nut.
brazil nuts
Brazil nuts for men are the undisputed leader because they contain an extremely important trace element, selenium, whose daily standard is contained in only 2-3 nuts. The body does not synthesize this mineral on its own, but actively consumes it, including during semen release. Therefore, when men have an active sexual life, they should regularly supplement the deficiency of selenium, and Brazil nuts are the best choice.

Potency Cocktail Recipe: Soak Brazil nuts (20) in water for 2 hours. Drain, add pitted dates (4 pcs), purified water (400ml) to the washed fruit and blend in a blender. Add one banana (1), vanilla sugar (1/2 tsp) to the strained liquid and blend again in the blender.
Brazil nuts are best used as part of a green salad; the combination does not cause digestive upset and has a beneficial effect on potency.
Salted roasted pistachios are one of the most popular beer snacks. In salty form, however, this product can seriously tax the liver and kidneys, which is why all of its beneficial properties are balanced out. Therefore, your best bet is dried or roasted pistachios without any additives.
Pistachios are a common ingredient in many dishes, including those that enhance potency. For this, for example, you can prepare a delicious berry salad with walnuts.

Cooking recipe: Cut strawberries (150g) into 4 pieces, halve grapes (150g), mix berry mixture with peeled pistachios (50g), olive oil (2 tbsp), add 2-3 slices of lettucecorn leaves.
You can make tinctures on the shells, but you shouldn't expect increased potency from the drink.
honey combined with nuts
A honey-nut mix is a favorite, delicious and easy folk remedy for potency. Bee products are beneficial for erection due to their properties:
- Helps increase the synthesis of nitric oxide in cells;
- It has a beneficial effect on lowering the level of triglycerides in the blood;
- Helps increase the overall tone of the body;
- Fights many types of bacteria, including those that cause prostatitis.

Like nuts, honey contains the complete package of substances needed for good potency: more than 25 vitamins, macro and trace elements, enzymes and organic acids. This product is often used as a natural preservative, so honey nut mixes and honey tinctures have a long shelf life, during which time they retain their beneficial properties.
The recognized leader in male potency is chestnut honey, which can be mixed in equal proportions with chopped nuts. The effect is greatly enhanced by adding bee or drone milk to the mix (homogenized).
in conclusion
The most useful nuts for men are walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds and cedar. However, weak erections or impotence are not always due to a lack of testosterone. Most often, vascular disorders negatively affect potency, so regular consumption of any of the above nuts can help prevent and treat male reproductive disorders.